Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Campaign Sign Up Information

Website: DNDAlliances Website

Game times are TBD
Server is OpenRPG "Veav I"
The Current Starting Character Level is 6
This is a custom setting. We are using 4th Edition.

Contact me by mail through

my ORPG nick of course, is Tarl.
Please visit us at the room gametime if you are interested.


In Alliances, three factions vie for supremacy and survival. Centuries ago, the alien Neogi crash landed upon the planet Talus, and began and invasion in an attempt to subjugate the natives. They failed. Banding toghether, the nomadic Meshket Clans and the Celestial Empire beat back the invaders to the jungles of the south, where they now reside today, attempting to rebuild their civilization in a half hearted Confederacy.

Meanwhile, Imperial intrigues threaten the throne of the Celestial Empire, while the Sultan of the City of Glass attempts to unify the Meshket people again against the growing threat of the Neogi Confederation.

No one can stand alone.

Alliances is a setting which incorporates Oriental Adventures. The Meshket are a people based off of ancient Persians and Arabic culture, and the Celestial Empire is based off of medieval China. The Neogi Confederracy is a tangled web of alien alliances.

This is a typical D&D game. Mostly serious, with some humor here and there, action and roleplaying at a good medium. There will be a good amount of both, so you will be bored if you don't care for one or the other.
Mature situations won't incorporate anything more than an R rating, although I tend to do PG-13 myself.


Skills and other checks: 1 is not a failure, 20 is not a critical success. This is RAW, I realize, but many people don't use this.
Of course in combat, 1s and 20s have their standard effect. We will not be using 'critical fumbles' unless ridiculously appropriate.

Relative Morality: As in Eberron, we are using relative morality. Dragons can be any alignment, etc. Alignment serves only as a rules mechanism for the purpose of magic, not as a behavioral restriction.

Alliances is not a 'pure' medieval setting with magic and wizards. Many technologies are available.
A signature of the Meshket clans is their prism technology, which uses glass, magic and crystal to harness the power of the sun and use it as a heating/energy source for various purposes. The Sultan's troops and some other clans may be armed with 'Firelances' which fire superheated beams of light, ala Stargate. These are not available as starting equipment.
Other prismatic items are available in game.
Blackpowder technology, guns and rocketry are available in small quantity, not for starting equipment
Alien technology such as aircraft, lasers, scanners, and the like are also present in the world.

Magic is available in slightly higher than standard quantities, with magickers being more or less available in certain parts of the world.
Distribution, is as usual, up to the DM. Expect to face regiments composed of wizards, soldiers trained in magical items, and other things like that.

Standard racial languages (PHB racial languages excepted), along with different dialects according to nations and the like. The primary language of the Meshket is Meshketi, and the Celestial Empire is Imperial. The Nezumi speak..Nezumi. There are different Imperial dialects, including Northern and Southern, corresponding to that particular region of the Empire.

Religion: Gods are not active. Much like this world, no one knows if they exist. The clerics of the Celestial Empire worship causes, ideals, dragons and the Emperor. The clerics of the Meshketi worship Shar'ia exclusively.

World in Progress: I would like you to contribute to the setting of this world. Much of it isn't fleshed out, such as religion. Feel free to come up with your own faiths/towns/etc. If you step on my toes, I will let you know, but you are given free reign otherwise.


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