Thursday, August 31, 2006

Rules Argument System

If you wish to dispute one of my rulings, here is the system you must follow.

1) Submit your grievance, in a form as long as you like. (Pages, even)
2) I read it, and evaluate. I deliver my judgement.
3) That's it. No follow ups, no what if, no attempts at logic traps.

If you really feel that you MUST continue to argue, here is what you must do.
1) Create an extraordinarly well thought out arguement, detailing all your reasons and thought processes.
For you to submit this, you must be supremely confident that my answer to this arguement is unequivocally yes.
If there are perspectives that I may pick upon, balance issues I can point out, flavor arguements or anything that would result in my disagreement with your point, then do not submit.
Good things to include a page numbers, and text book examples.

If the above fails, then I will summarily ignore further arguements until I personally come across new revelations.

Essentially, if I have to question you twice, you're asking too much. This follows suit for related issues. Don't go spawning off related tangents to your arguement in an effort to backtrack me. If that's your aim, do it in the first arguement.


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